The name Cognac was used for the first time in 1617 and the name was supposed to describe the distillate previously produced, known as “smoked wine” (vin brûle). Practically, its technology has remained the same for many centuries. However, each of these liquors has an original recipe and history related to a specific producer.

Cognac is an amber-colored alcoholic drink made from wine grapes grown in the Charente and Charente-Maritime regions surrounding Cognac in France. Cognac is made from distilled white wine, which produces eau-de-vie (water of life), aged in oak barrels for at least two years. Next the different eaux-de-vie are combined to create a specific cognac flavor.


The Cognac region is divided into six areas known as crus:


Borderies, Grande Champagne, Petite Champagne, Fins Bois, Bon Bois and Bois Ordinaire.


Cognac is a type of alcohol, but the name is reserved for those liquors produced according to strictly defined methods in the Cognac region.


Fama putat est that we owe the secret of double distillation to the knight Jacques de la Croix-Maron. It is said that this knight had a nightmare and Satan wanted to cook his soul. When that failed, Satan threatened to cook it again. Then Jacques awakened with the belief that double distillation would give his wine a completely new and different character. This is how the cognac was created …


The beginnings of cognac production date back to the 16th century. That time, the vineyards produced so much wine that they had problems selling it. One idea to solve the problem of excess wine was to distill it. This gave an unexpectedly good effect and the value of the strengthened alcohol was quickly appreciated.


Since 1830, cognac began to be bottled. In the beginning, it was transported in barrels, so in most cases the consumer did not know the producer or the name of the liquor. To change this, labels with the name of the manufacturer were placed on the bottles. The majority of the most known today cognac producers started operating at that time.




Une terre toujours dédiée à la nobilité. une terre dédié à l’art. Une terre de vigne légendaire. une terre aux anciennes traditions. Terre de nature sauvage et histoire des générations créant la poésie de la vie.

de Lafaye


Since 1874, at the Château de Brossac, the family de Lafaye du Bourgoin had bottled every year a certain amount of Cognac XO for the castle owner's birthday. This Cognac XO was only grown on nearby vineyards by local tenants according to a special, unique recipe. Each bottle of Cognac XO was hand-numbered and stored in the historic cellars of the castle. The foundations and cellars were carved in sandstone and have been preserved since the times of the first castle. Its beginning is lost in the darkness of the early Middle Ages. And the first written records come from the first half of the 12th century from the owners of the castle at that time the Vigier de la Cour family.

Miller v. Zaklika


Current Owners Family Miller v. Zaklika decided to return to the annual tradition of bottling Cognac XO for the owner's birthday, dating back to 1874. T That is why now, for every October 17th, another batch of the unique, specially dedicated and the only Cognac XO Seigneur Comte Cognac is prepared. Cognac is bottled. Cataloged. Identified numerically in each batch and then stored in the medieval cellar of the castle. Currently, Oskar Igor Maurice Bruno personally classifies and bottles the Cognac XO Seigneur Comte.

It all depends on the storage conditions of the cognac. Although eaux-de-vie can be aged in oak barrels for decades, after bottling, this liquor requires certain precautions to ensure its proper storage. Aging in oak barrels is a necessary and indispensable step in the production of cognacs.

The flavors and amber color of eau-de-vie cognac are due to maturing in dark, quiet cellars for up to seventy years.

After bottling, the liquor stops maturing. However, a cognac bottle can be stored for a very long time as long as it has not been opened and the closure is intact.


To maintain the quality of both the closure and the cognac, the bottle should be stored upright in a dry, dark place.

After opening the bottle, make sure that no air enters the liquor as it will airing the alcohol. This oxidation problem can be partially prevented by pouring the cognac into a smaller container. Following these guidelines will help you enjoy this delicious liquor for many months.



The Cognac XO Seigneur Comte has a spicy, rich crescendo that begins with the gentle elegance of the Borderies region, followed by the intensity and finesse typical of eaux-de-vie from the Grande Champagne region. Golden amber with flashes of dark copper and mahogany is its proper color. Ground spices in a bouquet of green pepper, blackcurrant and cranberry give an unforgettable aroma and bouquet.

You can feel a rich blend of fruits in it. And the fig chutney. And an almond compote in the scent of fresh walnuts, and the smell of beeswax turns into sandalwood smoke.

Mahogany color to amber. The floral scents of narcissus and jasmine are associated with the old port, dark chocolate, mixed with the aromas of a cigar box and cedar wood. A subtle hint of saffron curry and exotic fruit.

Simple cognac with silky tannins. Unique in the mouth.

Elegance and sophistication!


The Cognac XO Seigneur Comte as a prestigious cognac is a full and closed piece of music. Its fruity flavor leaves notes of fig and nutty on the palate, played freely in the company of the characteristic strong sound and subtle taste of eaux-de-vie from the Grande Champagne region. It has a silky, silky aftertaste of fruit symphony of European and exotic plants that lingers around the taste buds for a very long time.

Perfect for special occasions. It tastes best without additives or slightly warmed in the hands with a little water.



Investing in high-quality cognac is one of the newest trends in capital markets around the world. It has been at the forefront of safe investing products for years.

For just 460 euros you can own a numbered bottle containing a certified, unique, aged and the only one in the world Cognac XO Seigneur Comte, which is bottled on October 17th each year.

Cognac XO Seigneur Comte means prestige and good investment economy.

Such an investment proves the position and social status of the owner of the Cognac XO Seigneur Comte. It proves its sophisticated taste, good taste and high level of style. It proves belonging to the elite, which is in possession of a unique passport of an exclusive hermetically sealed society in the buyers of the world’s only Cognac XO Seigneur Comte.

Such an investment gains in value every year.


We present a project by SOCIETE PAR ACTIONS SIMPLIFIEE DE ZAKLIKA, a company founded on the initiative of the Miller v. Zaklika family.

Those who have not managed to buy shares in SOCIETE PAR ACTIONS SIMPLIFIEE DE ZAKLIKA may still invest in bottles of the world’s only Cognac XO Seigneur Comte.

It should be remembered that the number of bottles is tightly limited each year in order to never compromise their unique value and the unique elite brand of the product.

The Cognac XO Seigneur Comte is based on an original, unusual and closely guarded recipe. As an eau-de-vie cognac it is matured in oak barrels. Cognac XO Seigneur Comte must be aged in barrels for at least 30 years. Then it is bottled.

Each bottle is marked with a sequential batch number from 1 to 100.

The inaugural first hundreds, as befits the phenomenon of all the unique ones, are available only at selected, elite auctions of exclusive products. The next full hundreds of bottles of Cognac XO Seigneur Comte are reduced according to a mathematical key and an economic algorithm.

You can leave your bottle for a small fee in the cellars of the Château de Brossac. The annual cost of aging is determined exclusively and individually.

NOTE: For an additional transport fee, each purchased batch of bottles can be sent around the world to the recipient place indicated by the buyer.

Cognac prices always remain at a certain level of retail prices. This applies to VS and VSOP liquors. If we assume that no one is expecting a decline in the value of cognac in the near future, it can be imagined that with the current pace of getting rich, including wealthy people, the price of a specific year of Cognac XO will grow faster than 100% in 5 years.


The bottles filled with Cognac XO Seigneur Comte are stored in the historic cellars of the Château de Brossac.

Become an investor in Cognac XO Seigneur Comte and profit from the growing value of the liquor.


  • You can register a bottle of Cognac XO Seigneur Comte in the selected quantity and series using the form linked at the bottom of the page.
  • After registering the payment at SOCIETE PAR ACTIONS SIMPLIFIEE DE ZAKLIKA, we take care of the rest – we will place your bottle in our cellars or prepare it for transport.


  • You can reserve a bottle of Cognac XO Seigneur Comte in the selected quantity and series for next year using the form linked at the bottom of the page.
  • 12 months after booking – December at the earliest – you can pick up the bottle you have booked or let it remain (for a fee) in the cellars of the Château de Brossac for another 3 years. 

Château de Brossac

16 480 Brossac, France

M  +33 5 45781086

P    +33 6 49749054



    All rights reserved 2021



    Each XO series has its own unique bottle



    Chaque série XO a sa propre bouteille unique